Dr. Ladin and Dr. Dilla use medication to temporarily address symptoms until the source of the pain can be determined and addressed. Targeted pain procedures and spinal interventions are often ultrasound or fluoroscopically-guided to ensure the exact placement of therapeutic injections as well as the safety of surrounding tissues, nerves and bone.
Our years of training and experience ensure that our patients receive the most up-to-date, cutting-edge care possible. Among the procedures performed at Comprehensive Pain Specialists are:
BOTOX® — An FDA-approved preventive treatment for migraines, spasticity and hemiplegia.
Caudal Epidural Injection — Chronic lower back and lower extremity pain can be relieved by an injection of a combination of a steroid and local anesthetic.
Cervical/Lumbar Epidural Injection — The nerve root of the lower back or neck receives an injection intended to reduce numbness, tingling or weakness.
Cervical/Lumbar Facet Joint Injection — The facet joints of the spinal column, which are located between the vertebrae, receive an injection designed to help relieve swelling.
Cervical Selective Nerve Root Block — This treatment is used by doctors to isolate the cervical nerve root in the neck through momentary numbing for diagnostic or pain relief purposes.
EMG/NCV — Electromyogram and Nerve Conduction Velocity (EMG/NCV) studies are electrical tests of specific nerves and muscles to determine the point at which pain, numbness and/or weakness originates. These tests check how well your spinal cord, nerve roots, and nerves are working. Although only a very low-voltage electrical current is used, and each electrical pulse is less than a split-second in length, there may be some discomfort. We may be able to share some results of these studies at the time of the tests. The full report will be sent to your doctor within two business days.
Epidural Steroid Injection — Used to treat swelling, pain and inflammation of the nerve roots, steroids are injected directly around the area that is causing the pain after numbing with a local anesthetic.
Facet Joint Injection — Facet joints are small joints in the spine that provide the ability to bend and twist. When inflammation, swelling or arthritis causes low back pain, this treatment can offer a substantial reduction or complete relief.
Fluoroscopy and Ultrasound Guided Injections — Allow doctors to visualize the needle as it approaches its target and relieves the pain in affected tissue in a safe and effective manner.
Intra-articular Joint Injections — An injection of medicine is made directly into the joint space when oral medications are no longer considered effective.
Lateral Branch Block — This involves the numbing of the lateral branch of a spinal nerve to see if the pain is decreased or if it goes away altogether.
Medial Branch Block — Like with the lateral branch block, the medial branch nerve, which serves the smaller facet joints (boney projections) of the spinal column, is numbed by means of a strong injection of local anesthetic.
Occipital Nerve Block — Certain types of headaches may respond to an injection of a steroid or other medication around the occipital nerve which is found in the back of the head by the neck. The injection is aimed at reducing swelling in these nerves.
Nerve Root Block — This method can be used to find the source of pain or simply to relieve it by injecting a local anesthetic into the place where the nerve leaves the spinal column.
Radiofrequency Ablation — In order to reduce pain signals, a radio wave produces an electrical current that heats up nerve tissue, typically in the lower back, neck or arthritic joints.
Spinal Cord Stimulator Trials — Tiny electrical impulses are sent via a small electrical wire placed in the epidural space and used to stimulate the spinal column and its nerves.
Stellate Ganglion Blocks — This is an injection of local anesthetic into the nerves which are located on either side of the voice box in the neck. These nerves are a part of the sympathetic nervous system.
Sympathetic Blocks — Located on either part of the spinal column, the sympathetic nerve tissue receives an injection of local anesthetic for diagnostic or pain-reducing measures.
Trigger Point Injections — This is a technique used to ease muscle pain in trigger points which cause persistent pain in areas such as the neck, shoulders, and back and that can be due to trauma or repeated injury.
Vertebral Augmentation — Vertebral fractures, when caused by osteoporosis, a fall or degenerative disease, can severely limit movement. Vertebral augmentation uses a small balloon to restore the height of the vertebrae and injects bone cement into the balloon cavity for permanent relief.